Protecting Your Pets From Fleas, Ticks and other Parasites

Your pets can pick up fleas or ticks anywhere, especially when they go outside. Our environment is full of places where these creatures, not to mention various kinds of worms, can invade your pet’s body, causing discomfort, skin issues and severe health problems Fortunately, we at PharmAce, have products and few tips for keeping your pets safe.


Keeping your pet clean can go a long way toward preventing it from acquiring an unwanted, parasitic guest. Comb your dog or cat’s fur with a flea comb frequently. You should also wash your pet periodically with a shampoo that is designed to deal with fleas and ticks. We have If you want to use a product such as a flea powder or a collar, be sure to read the label, follow all instructions, and consult your veterinarian before using it.


Keeping your pet’s environment clean is just as important. Wash your dog’s or cat’s bedding frequently. Vacuum your carpets, sofas, and chairs frequently. Keep the grass in your lawn cut short, and bag and dispose of the clippings immediately. Avoid taking your cat outside. Check your dog for fleas or ticks after every time you take it for a walk. If you have a serious infestation, consider calling in a professional exterminator in order to facilitate parasite prevention.

Try Radicate Spot-On for fleas, ticks and mange, or use Kick Tape for deworming  and don't forget to give your dog heartworm prophylaxis tablets such as Wriggle

Try Radicate Spot-On for fleas, ticks and mange, or use Kick Tape for deworming and don't forget to give your dog heartworm prophylaxis tablets such as Wriggle

Radicate Spot-On Range
Radicate Spot-On Range
Effective treatment for fleas, ticks and some worms
Effective deworming treatment for dogs of all sizes

Effective deworming treatment for dogs of all sizes

Easy deworming treatment for cats

Easy deworming treatment for cats

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